Call 233-456-7889

Our extensive piano tuning and repair experience assures you of consistent top- notch service. We offer superlative piano tuning and repair at reasonable prices.  My purpose is to contribute to the beauty of the music you play, and to the quality and ease of your personal musical expression.

Woman and piano

Marilyn Brooks, RPT

Offered services include:

  • Precise tuning for home, studio, or concert hall
  • Repairs and regular maintenance
  • Action regulation from minor to complete
  • Voicing for improvement of tone
  • Appraisals for selling or for purchasing

I am able to stay current with the newest techniques in the piano service trade through my attendance at seminars provided by the local Piano Technicians Guild.Our piano tuning and repair service coverage area includes the Southern Hills area. Give us a call any time, and we’ll look forward to serving you!